Sunday, 23 March 2008

Chocolate bunnies, possible snowstorms, and Guitar Hero.

I've had a blissful 2 days off of work. Good Friday and Easter Monday in the UK are public holidays, and everything pretty much shuts down. And where we live, it gets like a ghost town: no cars, no tourists, no nothing. Heaven.

We're not particularly religious, but we do appreciate the holiday and appreciate that people get a chance to spend it with their families. So we've been spending the time together with absolutely nothing planned. We were going to go away, but the mister has been travelling a lot for work, so when he does get a chance to be at home, he'd rather not be subject to itineraries and just relax and let his brain empty out(sometimes I can be very Type A and insist on activities. Yes, I used to be a camp counselor).

So, we've been going for walks, going to the gym, planning for a possible snowstorm, eating the ears off a giant chocolate bunny that was a gift from my mum-in-law, and playing Guitar Hero.

Yes, Guitar Hero.

The mister used to be in a rock band, and still plays guitar. And I saw an advert for this game on TV, and I thought it would be fun to get. So get it we did. And it is so much fun, a total brain-drain. And to justify to everyone why I'm playing it, it does test your hand-eye coordination, I swear. And makes me feel really rock and roll, okay, I admit it.

Also, on the day of the vernal equinox, Mamo celebrated her 60th birthday. I wish I had a picture of her when she was my age, but in my biased opinion, she's an amazing and beautiful woman. She's my confidante, my best girlfriend, and my inspiration. She swims 3 miles every day, trains horses, teaches elementary school, has been married to Tato for 36 years, and in her pale blue eyes, I can see the vulnerability that simmers under her steely exterior. It's amazing the stuff she's experienced in the course of her 60 years on this planet. And I only hope I can be as cool as she is when I'm that age.

I love you, Mamo. Mno Haya Lita.

Okay, now... back to Guitar Hero.

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