So, in the spirit of realisation that it is almost the middle of June (honestly, I can't even believe that even as I write it) and I've been used up like a tissue at my current job, I am attempting to slow down and focus on the little things and give myself the space to appreciate them. The little things that make life magic. In all honesty, this is a scary thing to do for someone who is totally type-A and believes that if she isn't doing about 15 different things at once, that there's something wrong with her.
Item #1:
It has now been a successful 6 months since I quit smoking cold turkey. I have managed to stand my ground and resist habitual cravings, constant snacking, the temptation of a summery glass of wine and cigarette with friends, and the nagging voice that wants to force the mister to quit (just because I did). I haven't preached to people to quit, I haven't justified my decision, I did it because I told myself I would and that I wanted to, and I did. End of story.*
Item #2:
I'm learning how to drive. Now, to all of you that took in a very quick breath through your teeth, let me just say that I am a good driver despite some interesting circumstances in the past.** I've managed to cultivate a squeaky-clean driving record in the states, and now that I'm here in the UK, I've been a passenger one too many times. The mister happily drives us everywhere in our adorable little car (translation: he refuses to let me drive it for fear that we'll end up wrapped around a tree), but I'm starting to get a bit antsy and feel like I need to be able to have wheels if I want to get out for a drive. It makes me feel a bit stuck that I can't just jump in the car for a few hours. So, yes, I'm taking lessons. I have my provisional license (which over here is the equivalent of a learner's permit, so I feel like I'm some sort of kid with a fake ID), and I'm going to be let out onto the roads very soon. Keep your children indoors.
Item #3:
I've signed up for a 10K. Now that doesn't seem like a big deal, but you're talking to someone that though used to be athletic and a dancer, now maintains her flexibility by doing absolutely nothing, and luckily can still pull her foot up by her head while standing. But the lack of activity aside from walking everywhere here is starting to make me feel sluggish and wimpy. So the mister and I signed up for this run in July, and he's running for the RNLI, and I'm running for the RSPCA. I have a sponsor page on Facebook, but I've really not used that website for a while, so I haven't kept up with asking people for money. Either way, it'll be a good challenge- and let's hope that I'll still be running at the 8th kilometer and haven't resorted to using the £10 in my bra for a taxi.
These are the three latest things that I've done for myself, and it hasn't even registered in my brain that I should pat myself on the back a little. Instead, a little voice says, "Sheesh.. couldn't you have been more productive? Look what everyone else is doing! You don't sound very interesting."
Yep, I'm wrapping duct tape around this little gremlin for a while and shoving him in the corner. After 15 years, it's about time I start telling him to zip it.
*Though I have to admit, there were Oscar-worthy dramatic days where I begged and pleaded for the mister to give me one of his, but he's been supporting my efforts and hasn't let me.
**Admittedly, I did manage to reverse into a mailbox with Tato's white Toyota when I was 17 (and tried to repair the giant scrape with White-Out), and when I did get my first car at 19, I totalled the front quarter-panel.
Those truly WERE oscar worthy achievements. Sincerely. And 10K? Wow, color me impressed!
Good for you on the smoking! I never took it up in earnest, but those who did tell me it's really a difficult thing to quit.
And the running? Me and my weak pelvic floor are completely envious.
It's been more than 7 years since I touched a smoke. It's hard, babe. Good on you!
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