Monday, 28 July 2008

I'm ashamed.

Ashamed to admit that I've been so unbelievably lazy at writing, that my URL history doesn't even remember me when I typed "missustd...". I've totally neglected my writing, my reading, my commenting on all the lovely girls out there like Amanda and Janet who just attended BlogHer '08. How cool are you?!?!

So, where have I been? On a little adventure in my own little UK world. I've always been so tied up in my head a lot, that for the past month, I've been just trying to be. No stress, no expectations, just enjoying the amazing warm weather and sunny days (which don't come around very often here). I came, I saw, I'm conquering. And it is good.

I've started a new thing for myself: exploring. No, not in the Columbus-sense (though I will tell you about our sailing adventure in a later post). More in the my mister-is-away-a lot-and-I'm-languishing in missing him too much so I need to stop that-sense. I've started booking concert dates for us, theatre dates, etc. And so far, he's only missed a few, which is great. I can't always expect him to go with me because he needs to do client events or travel, but I have gone by myself sometimes and it's been secretly decadent to dress up, go see a play, and have a glass of wine overlooking the Thames.

And it's helped me climb a bit out of my safety cocoon (which I frequently go into because I just like my own space and my own environment too much).

I'm not saying I've been a total hermit, but I'm learning to find new ways to adapt to this life here. New fun things to do. I get envious that my mister has a handful of friends that he's known for over 15 years, and when they get a chance to go out, they really make a long alcohol-fueled late night of it. I don't have friends here that I can see very often, all of them have had babies. So, in order to have that same sort of experience of a big night, I take myself out. I've been to see STOMP, a play at the National Theatre, a burlesque/circus show, I've taken the train to different parts of London just to explore, I've been to the Portrait Gallery, I've booked us tickets to see our favourite bands play, I've tried new restaurants, I've been to a gay club (seriously, the best evening ever- just me, dancing on the dance floor by myself with my drink in the air, singing out loud to Journey until 2am),I even have a little window box garden filled with geraniums, rosemary and chives...

Forcing myself out of my bubble has changed my habits a bit, and that's a nice feeling. And I'm happier for it..more independent... my eyes have a sparkle and my cheeks are rosy with contentment. Thanks Amanda. You gave me this advice 2 years ago, and I finally listened to you. You're amazing.

So, it's after 7 here, and I need to leave work and catch the last bit of sun, preferably in a park having a glass of Pimm's with my mister.

Rock n roll.


Amanda said...

Beautiful, keep going love.

Janet said...

It sounds like you're having a wonderful time. Enjoy, friend.

trampoline design said...

dude. write.