Monday, 22 December 2008

Are women that complicated to shop for?

Okay, you'll have to give me ideas about what you want, I'm going shopping on the 23rd.

Well... umm.. I don't really need anything.

I have some ideas, but do you want anything specific? Something other than your annual request for sparkly jewellery?

Well, I want something that I can keep. Something that will give me memories. Not an experience like bungee jumping. Something that maybe you've made, or something that I can keep with me.

Uh.. yeah..hmmm. Okay.

The answer to the title question from the man's point of view? A resounding YES.

I've already gotten about 5 little gifts for the mister, and am in the process of making a card for him (I do that every year, it's my little craft project ritual). While doing that, I've managed to start making food for the 2 Christmas dinners we're going to cook, I've sent out all 40 of our Christmas cards this year, I've wrapped all of our Christmas presents, balanced our UK and US accounts, and I've battled a horrendous bout of sickness. And yes, I work every day until 6pm, and no, I do not rely on pharmaceuticals for help.

No, I'm not nearly as gifted as you out there that have a few children under your feet. But I'm just sayin'.

Yes, to be fair, the mister has had a horrible amount of work to do that keeps him in the office until about 1am every night, and on top of that because he's faced with the prospect of working over Christmas, he's been out with colleagues until early in the morning very often getting drunk (I love the mister very much, but this British version of therapy gets on my nerves a bit).

So, has he had time to even consider that Christmas is on the doorstep? Not really.

I realise that Christmas isn't a time for presents, it's a time for reflection on family, friends, and excitement for the New Year. It's a time of togetherness. To be honest, my Christmas list doesn't consist of things, really. Maybe the odd book.. but what I really want is time. Time with my handsome man.

Life goes by in such a blink and what I'm enjoying most right now is trying to grab the moments in between. The stolen kisses under the covers before our respective work days start. The quick "goodnight"s before I drift off to sleep in the nook of his shoulder while he reads a book. The affectionate pat on the bum when he passes me in the hallway. The exhausted hugs after 2 days of being tense and angry. The hand that reaches over to mine in the car.

Those are my Christmas presents. Those are the gifts I remember to cherish.

That, and maybe a pair of diamond earrings or a Leica camera?

I'm just sayin'.


zipbagofbones said...

That sounds exhausting! Sounds like what you guys really need is a vacation! Great post though, I'm trying to focus on those little things this year since I'm not feeling the holiday vibe at all.

Thanks for your comment on my whiney post - I was feeling guilty for posting it at all, SO annoyed with my complaining, but I feel better knowing you related to it.

zipbagofbones said...

I hope you had a great holiday Myshka!