Friday, 9 January 2009

People really amaze me sometimes.

You. Yes, you, dude. Is it really worth it to create a vile tempest, a seething storm, a raging fury over something as simple as a detailed question from your colleague? Is it really worth writing the equivalent of you idiot, you don't have a clue about what you do for a living, stupid woman. I could teach you a thing or two, that's for damn sure just because I asked a question about a project's timeline?

Umm... hang on. Let. me. think.

Yeah, nope. That would definitely be a NO.

I am still dumbfounded that some people exist (nay, thrive) in a successful company by treating other people (preferably ones in positions beneath them) like total horseshit. I don't get it. I'm proud of the fact that I was taught never to be mean or treat anyone badly, because that' s just bad karma. But, meh, maybe that's just me.

Either way, I guess I am still naive then, since people like this still really amaze me. And what really puts the cherry on my cupcake is when it's a man and he gets all superior and puffs out his chest to show that he is a man and I am a woman, and thus, (in his head) I am the business equivalent of that ink stain that comes out of the copy machine when toner is low. So, undesrtandably, my knee-jerk reaction is to want to stick my fist in their mouth to shut them up and show them that hey, whaddya know, this fragile little creature actually has a black belt in Karate! (yep, true.)

But hey, I guess that's their problem, and life's too short to waste energy on losers like that. Enough said.


So, I got a lovely message from Cat the other day, who happens to be a really cool writer. And she asked me a rather rockin' question:

If you have one London Eye, where's your other eye? Or are you a cyclops?

Now, without even knowing me, she touches on a rather geeky tendency of mine, which is to spend days on end asking myself (and the helpless loved ones around me) really random questions. Sometimes I sound like a 5-year old. But hell, I can't help it. A lot of things excite me, and I'm a very curious person.

So, to answer that question, no. I am not a cyclops. And where is my other eye while I'm writing these observations? What magical things is it exploring and taking in? Hmmm...

I like watching people when they're talking and eating

I like watching body language in a couple

I like watching late Autumn sunsets in Vermont

I like watching a snowstorm in the middle of the night (and hearing how dense the stillness is)

I like watching animals entertain themselves with random objects

I like watching horseback riders do a jumping course

I like finding random addresses on Google Earth and seeing what they look like up close

I like scanning anatomy and medical books and knowing how the body works

I like re-reading all the love notes that I've ever gotten from the mister

I like scanning any large body of water for sailboats

I like watching how many random colours I manage to put in one outfit before going out the door

I like watching people greeting eachother at airports

I like watching a musician play his intstrument

I like watching weddings

I like looking at old pictures of Babchya. I just like looking at her, period.

I like seeing lots of laugh lines etched in someone's face

I like watching how cream slowly unravels in coffee when you stir it in

I like watching bees up close while they're gathering nectar

I like watching TV programs about the psychology behind serial killers

I like watching babies try and mimic adults

I like watching wind fill the sails on our boat

I like watching an object shatter when thrown from a great height

I like watching the stars and wondering which ones are my two grandfathers

And that's a little something about my other eye.

And you? What does your eye take in?


Gorilla Bananas said...

I like watching elephants fart.

zipbagofbones said...

i cannot believe i didnt find this before now. this post is awesome. and i love the psychology behind serial killers, too.