Friday, 20 March 2009

Little treats

I'm dancing the "surviving recession" dance as I call it. Let me explain.

I haven't had my hair trimmed/coloured/spruced up/pampered in about a year. Not a big deal really, because my hair is pretty healthy and shiny for the most part.

However, I'm beginning to feel like there's dead energy in there, know what I mean? It's the equivalent of craving a massage when your skin and bones are aching. My hair is aching for some luuuuuuv.

The reason I haven't had my hair cut in a year is because I'd stopped coming up with reasons as to why £90 was a fair price to pay for a really good haircut. Yes, that's correct. that's the equivalent of about $160.

I have pretty thick/wavy/layered hair, and because I've had some gasp-inducing haircuts in my life, I've always felt like a good hairstylist was the holy grail. So I found one when I moved here, and stuck with him.

But I'm trying to be a lot more careful nowadays and shopping less and finding bargains. No kidding, I shop at the GAP here regularly because that's the only thing that carries stuff small enough for me other than crazy designer stuff that I'd need to sell a kidney to afford (I'm serious, GAP over in the UK has some great cuts and is on par with JCrew).

And the other day, I spotted a blink-and-you'll-miss-it ad in the paper that a "celebrity stylist" (whatever that means) is offering cheap haircuts for a few days, to entice the flagging market over here. Total price: £34.

You don't have to ask me twice. My fingers practically flew at the phone and I made an appointment for tomorrow. Bliss.

Now, I'm hoping that this isn't some experimental session where I'll come out looking like a German expressionist on crack, but I've been assured that these are all snooty senior stylists that will make sure I have exactly what I want. Yeah, and I have a feeling he'll be called Serge.

Whatever. A little treat for the tresses. Priceless.


zipbagofbones said...

that sounds like heaven! i had the color stripped out of mine last fall so i wouldnt have to pay the ,aintenance anymore - but my ends need trimming in the worst way!

Amanda said...

And..? Photo.