Tuesday, 31 March 2009

A new view

We moved.

Well, actually, I should say, we started the process this past Friday, and are still in the process of unpacking boxes.

Granted, it's a bit of a nightmare to uproot your life and start somewhere new, but I find it perversely thrilling. And I think both of us tend to behave like gypsies: our tally is officially 5 moves in 3 years, one of them being transatlantic. Yeah, insane is an understatement.

No, I don't have sadomasochistic tendencies (though the last post might have you think otherwise), but I do enjoy lifting furniture, packing boxes, organising things in a new way, getting rid of old clothes, planning a schedule of how to do things, setting up a new adventure in a new house... it's the unknown that I love, it's the organised chaos, the challenges and the new perspectives that we as a couple really thrive on. We'll never be the kind of people that just sit back and watch things happen- we want to do stuff. We like to change our habits and vary our perspectives- sometimes to an exhaustive degree.

The mister and I work phenomenally well as a team, and this past weekend was solid proof, in a lot of ways. We worked like a pair of relay racers. We groaned, we laughed, we got annoyed, we had pizza. Frustratingly, I couldn't lift heavy objects or do a lot of the hard work with him this time around*, but the boxes and furniture that he brought over I then swiftly unpacked, squirreled away, and did all the small jobs. We worked from the same page, we spoke the same language on where we wanted things, and what we wanted from this new place. Though I'm sure I'm the only one that noticed this imperceptible click, it made me fall even more in love with the man that I met 4 years ago and the amazing relationship that we started from day 1. From the beginning we knew we fit each other impossibly well, but just couldn't put a finger on how. And now I get why people stay married for 60 years: it's the little things that you start to realise about how the relationship innately works. Even something as simple as moving house. You learn about each other a little bit at a time.

In a way, this house feels like a metaphor for change for us, for new plans, new trips, new business ventures. It sounds like we take on a lot, but I can't get enough of that gorgeous feeling at the end of the day to collapse, exhausted onto the sofa with my running partner, and know that the next day is a whole new set of challenges to get ready for.

* more info later

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