I'm doing a fun little experiment on chocolate. Blame the hormones if you will, but I think this'll be a fun little test, as there are so many different types that I've never tried. And come on, can you blame me for making sure that every chocolate bar gets a little attention and love and not taken for granted by the British public? Yeah, I thought so. I rest my case.
Chocolate bars are much different over here in the UK than they are in America.
Firstly, the main difference is the taste. They're far less sweeter over here, and they usually come in normal sizes- not like the King Size bars of Snickers that are as long as your leg.
Secondly, there are SO many different varieties, and they're all extremely different, and not all filled with peanuts and nougat.
Okay, I can't think of a third one, so I might as well start eating. For those of you who want to indulge vicariously, you can reference this.
I'll report back shortly. Toothless and happy.
Cadbury Dairy Milk w/ whole nuts. Best. Ever.
I go for the really dark chocolate myself. Without any nuts or anything else mixed in. A good 60 or 65% Cocoa is what I be diggin.
Oh and btw, that stupid f*ing girl's email address is E1988Brown@aol.com.
And you are right, a box of hair is probably much more accurate!
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