Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Brought to you by the letter B


The mister's.

He's half way to old age, I keep joking. I think he finds that offensive.

Today was our first birthday as a family. We spent the morning before he had to leave for work in bed, opening presents, the little one in between us in bed in her nappy, rustling the wrapping paper. I bought him some books, framed a couple pictures, and made him a card. I always make cards for him, I love doing it- I've mastered the art of drawing cartoons (I have a specific character that I've been drawing for about 15 years), and I go crazy on the coloured pens and glitter. So sue me- I think I have a 5-year old in permanent residence in my brain.

We don't manage to find much time to spend together lately, but sacrificing 10 quiet minutes in bed to 10 minutes of chaos with her, playing, laughing, screeching, giggling and the occasional leaky nappy... it was worth it.

Happy birthday, my beautiful boy. I fall in love with you more every single day.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Mmmm, gorgeous.