They think that women can just pop into a salon, say to the stylist "this. I want THIS", and be done in 30 minutes.
Some women can.
I am not one of those women.
I've had terrible luck with stylists, colourists...for the life of me, I have not found one damn person who understands my hair and what I want to do with it. I have thick, long-layered, wavy, past my shoulders hair that's dry, has a mind of its own, and has a chocolatey brown colour to it.
no, I don't want stripey highlights.
no, I don't want a drastic colour change.
yes, I want you to have more than 3 months' experience doing this kind of thing.
no, I don't want to be sold 35 products that will "change" the lifespan of my colour.
Just DO it like I want you to. Is that so much to ask?
So, I've been growing out my hair, and I haven't had it cut in about 8 months. Quick, free trims, yes. But I don't know a good stylist in London, so I haven't chosen to take the risk. The last one I had is now miles away from where we live, and with a 13-month old in the house now, it takes a bit of military-precision planning to even get 2 hours to myself.
I decided to grab a Saturday and book a few hours for an appointment, including travel time. The mister was doing daddy time until the afternoon, when he had to go into the office, but I'd be back by then. Or so I thought. It all seemed perfect.
I got to the salon, and the lady that usually does my hair had left. They recommended another guy to me. He had no idea what he was doing because he had never done what I had requested before. I stopped him right there, and refused to go any further. The last thing I want is to walk out having paid a decent amount of money and be horrified. No thanks. Been there, done that.
I complained to the manager that booked me in. After almost bursting into tears, they sent me to another salon a few streets away that specialised in colour. Before I left, though, I managed to get a free quick trim, which made me feel a little bit better.
I went to the new salon, told them my dilemma, and as fate would have it, one of their senior colourists was available to direct another stylist in what I wanted.
Then I waited to be seen. As a walk-in, I appreciate that I was lucky to even get a slot on a busy Saturday, but still.... I was well aware tha I was on a time limit, and this little window of mine to get my hair done was getting smaller and smaller. After a few "heads up" texts to home, I still hadn't heard anything. So he was either annoyed, or just busy. Oh well.
Finally I was ushered in and they started to work on me. This is after an hour had passed since I began this dramatic morning. So I absorbed the lastest fashion magazines and tried to relax.
After the first part of the colour, and waiting under a heat lamp for 30 minutes, I was getting it shampooed out of my hair. My 4-months along belly now has a mind of its own and as I was lying there in the chair, the protective robe slipped open and revealed my shirt. I was wearing my favourite Breton-striped shirt that goes with everything. All of a sudden I heard a "oh no" and the colourist was furiously dabbing my shirt with a wet towel. I looked down and saw a big blob of brown dye right on the front of my shirt, plain as day. That's never going to come out, I thought. In her haste to clean it, more dye fell off her glove. I asked her to stop and told her it was pointless, the shirt was ruined. Poor woman was so upset she offered to buy me another shirt (which I accepted, thanks very much... but they don't make them at the store that I bought them anymore).
I tried not to let it get to me and just asked her to keep going, because so far, my hair looked pretty decent, and I was getting what I had wanted, colour-wise. Screw the shirt.
I still needed to burst into tears, though, so I call home and tell the mister what was happening and that he could come into town and bring the baby and I would take over and he could go into the office.
I then proceeded to tell him how upsetting it was that one of my favourite shirts was ruined.
He told me it was just a shirt and to stop freaking out about it and get a grip.
Oh. Okay, then. I forgot that I was talking to a very pragmatic male, and not a girlfriend that would probably sympathise. Oh well.
Cut to 2.5 hours later...
Just to give you an idea about how the rest of the day went...I left the house at 8:30 am and was finally done with my hair at 3pm. 6 hours. 6 HOURS! I was exchausted, both emotionally (feeling upset with how this seems to happen to me every time, and guilty that I spent so long on doing something so superficial) and physically (sitting in one place isn't exactly my favourite thing to do). However, I was happy with my results, albeit very subtle. Without posting a picture of myself, here's roughly what it looks like:

The mister and the little miss finally met me at the salon so we could do the handover.
And you know the first thing he says to me after my 6-hour marathon of drama and ruined clothes?
[Squinting] "What exactly did you do to it? Because it doesn't look any different. Everytime you go into a salon, the same thing happens. All this drama about how you want them to do a certain look, and in the end, it doesn't really look like you did anything to it."
"Umm.. does it look nice, though?"
"Sure. It always looks nice."
I repeat. Men really just don't get hair.
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