Whatever your political predilections are, everyone seems to have an opinion lately. This is the most highly charged presidential race I have ever seen, and it's really exciting to see the Facebook generation doing their part. As an American now living in London, I have an interesting perspective on all of this, and it's nice to view things from afar. But apologies in advance if I'm going to offend anyone, it's not my intention. These are just my personal thoughts and opinions, and I feel like I need to get some things off my chest.
As we watch this Shakespearean drama unfold, it concerns me more and more that this country doesn't seem to have any concept of moral responsibility. I don't understand why, when Obama talks about "redistributing wealth" so that the people on the bottom can benefit, people start freaking and calling him a socialist. Ummm... AND? Since when did socialism (i.e having a social consciousness about the plight of others in the same country you live in) become a bad thing? Wow, I didn't know we were back in the Reagan Red Scare years?
I am sick and tired of people electing officials because they tell them they're able to protect their wealth, they don't have to get taxed, and let them keep their gun. So every one's safe and sound in their little padded rooms and don't really care if a country goes to war on a lie. As long as they get to keep their gun. Those people end up not giving a shit about the people on the bottom rung of the ladder who can't afford health insurance and who have to live on food stamps. The might as well walk around wearing a t-shirt that says "Hey, I'm rich and you're not. You're not my problem." Fucking greedy that country is. And I know, because I was brainwashed into thinking that for a long time.
When the cops were assholes or the country went to war, or I had to pay through the nose for my health insurance and I still didn't get what I needed without paying extra, you know what I said?? "oh well. Welcome to America.." And finally, the mister had to slap some sense into me and say to me "Wake up. This is NOT ok to feel like this. NO one speaks up in this country".
And he's right. The country is so large, that people feel like they can't be heard. The country is too big to be run by one person. And for that one person to be a Republican cokehead hick that has a penchant for modern colonization? Even worse.
The US, as amazing as it is, if it doesn't change its habits, is going right in the shitter. It has GOT to get out of the grips of the neanderthal idiots who have a death-grip on their cash and their guns, and has to get back to civilization before greed destroys it completely. Wake up realise that there is a bigger world out there and that people need to help each other out rather than get their fat heads stuck inside their honeypots. Please share.
And here's a lovely epic missive from one of my favourite comedians.
1 comment:
Hey, are you voting?
Absentee Ballot, baby.
Get me your address and I'll send you one.
Or, we could have it couriered to your boat.
...By pelican...
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