You would think that dressing up as witches and princesses and trick-or-treating for candy would end at around.. umm...15. Well, at least that's what it did for me anyway.
I'm realising that this day is actually kind of important for most people. Why? Nothing religious or pagan or anything.. but I'm realising that a lot of people like celebrating it because their inner child comes out. Their hidden playmate. The excuse to be silly and dress up and wear black nail polish and let loose. It's a good way to spend the evening watching scary movies with your girlfriends or being silly with your guy friends and pretend that you're 10 again.
The day is less of a big deal over here in the UK than it is in America, but all the same, people get their outfits on. What was I? Well, for about 4 years running, I was a vampire. I have no idea why, I've just always loved vampires. I did the whole shebang: black satin cape with red lining, black trousers and black turtleneck, hair slicked back, face painted the requisite "undead white", and blood dripping down the corners of my mouth. And the fangs. OH the fangs. They looked cool for about 20 minutes, but after a while, I had to chuck them out, because I was drooling so much I might have been mistaken for someone who escaped the psycho ward.
I think I was a clown one year as well, complete with rainbow afro.
The last time I got dressed up was probably 5 years ago back in New York, for a friend's party. I think I dressed up like an 80s fashion victim. Yeah, I know, really original.

*note..this is NOT a real pic of me from the 80s- it's a program that I found online that lets you take a pic of yourself and insert it into a yearbook picture from the 50s. 60s, 70s, 80s or 90s.
Today? Well, I had hoped that the mister and I could stay at home and watch scary movies, but he's out with his boys, and since every single one of my girlfriends here has kids, I'm short on company.
So tonight, it will probably end up being me, some wine, and a Sex and the City marathon. Now I think THAT is much scarier than a bunch of ghosts and goblins.
And hey, I can always dress up, but the neighbours might get a bit freaked out.
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