Monday, 3 November 2008

One more day. One more day until change happens.

Last night, I sat down to paint my nails. Feeling really adventurous, I started choosing from a variety of possible colours: blood red, black, cherry red, white, burnt orange, sea blue or midnight blue.

As my nails are short, I figured I could get away with wearing a vampy colour, so I chose midnight blue.

And I'm keeping it on. Why? Because I realised the election is tomorrow, and it might be a fun good luck charm.

You may think this strange and superstitious, but I'm realising that globally, this is the extent (in one way or another) to which people are getting feverishly involved in the election. It has become a captivating race, filled with crazy people slashing their faces with letters in an attempt to fabricate stories about the opposition, inspirational 30 minute infomercials, the very first nomination acceptance speech (since Kennedy), Obama campaign advertisements in video games, more younger people than ever registering to vote... the list goes on.

I am thrilled to be part of a huge potential change in the American government in my lifetime. If a man can be voted into office that will try and change the way people think, the way the country is governed, the world's perception of America... it would mean slowly waking up to a new way of living. A new perspective. A new day for our children and our children's children. Incremental changes now will mean huge changes for the future.

Vote for change.

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